Regain Your Financial Future with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Regain Your Financial Future with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy blog post
If you are experiencing financial troubles, it can seem like there is no clear way out. Bills can continue to pile up, making financial recovery seem impossible. However, there are ways you can regain your financial future. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is one of the ways you can recover from bankruptcy. Keep reading to learn more about Chapter 13 bankruptcy and how it can help you regain your financial future.

What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Most people file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy if they are ineligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The main difference between the two is that in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, all your debts are forgiven right away, and in Chapter 13, you set up a payment plan to pay back a portion of your debt.

If filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is the right financial decision for you, you will submit a payment plan for a portion of your debt to be approved by the court. This payment plan will typically be set for between three to five years. After that time period, your debt will be discharged and you can fully regain your financial future.

Set Up a Consultation with Dahlberg Law Group’s Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are considering filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you need to discuss your financial options with a bankruptcy attorney from Dahlberg Law Group. Every situation is different. Therefore, having a qualified attorney who has a clear understanding of Wisconsin bankruptcy laws is critical to improving your situation.

At Dahlberg Law Group, our attorneys have the compassion and expertise to help you regain your financial future. There are a number of options available to you, Chapter 13 included, that our attorneys can help you file for. Bankruptcy does not have to be as scary as it sounds. By working with Dahlberg Law Group, you can be confident that you will restore your financial autonomy.

How Can Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Help You Regain Your Financial Future?

There are a number of ways filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you regain your financial future. One of the benefits is that you can include debt from car payments, loans and even appliances. In doing so, it will be easier to avoid foreclosure and the repossession of your assets.

Also, creditors will not be able to contact you after the court approves your plan. Even if they object to the court-approved plan, they will not be able to contact you. This is a huge help as you do not have to be worried about being contacted by creditors anymore and can then solely focus on your financial future. By filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can have the peace of mind that you are en route to a full financial recovery.

Connect with Steven Eichstaedt to File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Throughout his years of practice, Wisconsin bankruptcy attorney Steven Eichstaedt has helped thousands of clients get the bankruptcy protection they deserve. From Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 to all the other financial solutions available to help a client, Steve will take the time needed to help you decide what is best for you.

Steve will take the time to listen to your fears and concerns regarding debt and bankruptcy. He will answer all the questions you have to make sure you are as comfortable as you need to be to make the best decision for you and your family. As the primary bankruptcy attorney in the firm, Steve will be there for you from your initial consultation to the day your case concludes. Feel confident that he will help you get through a difficult time with the care and compassion you deserve. Click here to connect with Steve today to regain your financial future.