Prescription Drug Possession: What You Must Know to Avoid Long-Term Penalties and Consequences in Wisconsin

Man walking after Cocaine possession in Wisconsin

Prescription Drug Possession: What You Must Know to Avoid Long-Term Penalties and Consequences in Wisconsin

Prescription Drug Possession Laws in Wisconsin

Prescription drugs, once considered a remedy, can become a legal nightmare when possessed unlawfully. Understanding Wisconsin’s prescription drug laws is essential for avoiding severe consequences. Let’s delve into the details.

Types of Prescription Drug Possession and Associated Penalties

Prescription drug penalties in Wisconsin vary depending on the type of drug. Here’s a breakdown:

Amphetamines (First Offense) 

  • Penalty: Up to $5,000 in fines
  • Incarceration: 1 year in county jail

Amphetamines (Subsequent Offenses) 

  • Penalty: Class I felony
  • Incarceration: 3 years, 6 months in prison
  • Fine: $10,000

Schedule I or II Narcotics

  • Penalty: Class I felony
  • Incarceration: 3 years, 6 months in prison
  • Fine: $10,000

Scheduled Non-Narcotics 

  • Penalty: Class C misdemeanor
  • Incarceration: 30 days imprisonment
  • Fine: $500

Please note that these penalties can vary depending on the specific drug and its classification.

Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs like painkillers, antidepressants, and stimulants are frequently abused. This includes drugs such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Valium, Xanax, and more. Unbeknownst to many, possessing these drugs without a valid prescription can lead to serious charges.

Prescription Drug Possession Attorney in Milwaukee

If you find yourself facing prescription drug possession charges in Wisconsin, it’s crucial to have a skilled attorney by your side. At Dahlberg Law Group, we understand the complexities of drug possession cases and can help you navigate the legal process.

Woman with head down worried about prescription drug possession

Additional Penalties and Consequences for Prescription Drug Possession

Beyond fines and imprisonment, drug convictions in Wisconsin come with additional consequences:

  • Suspension of driving privileges for up to 5 years.
  • Mandatory community service of 100 hours for certain drug offenses near specific locations.
  • Loss of state and federal student aid for college students.
  • Potential disqualification from licensing in the medical industry for medical or nursing students.

Resources for Understanding Wisconsin Drug Laws

For a deeper understanding of Wisconsin’s drug laws and the criminal process, refer to the Wisconsin State Law Library.

To check the charges filed against you, access the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website.

Contact Dahlberg Law Group for Legal Assistance

Your best chance at minimizing the impact of prescription drug possession charges is to seek expert legal representation. At Dahlberg Law Group, we have a track record of getting charges reduced or dropped. Don’t gamble with your future; contact us for a free legal consultation.


Q1: How long does a Wisconsin prescription drug possession charge stay on your record? A: A felony conviction for illegal drug possession will remain on your record for life in Wisconsin.

Q2: How can I fight prescription drug possession charges? A: You can challenge these charges by proving lack of probable cause, unlawful search and seizure, or demonstrating that the drugs belonged to someone else. However, hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is often the most effective solution.