Weed in Wisconsin: What You Must Know for First THC Possession and How to Avoid Long-Term Consequences

Young man facing first offense for weed in Wisconsin

Weed in Wisconsin: What You Must Know for First Offense of THC Possession and How to Avoid Long-Term Consequences

When it comes to marijuana possession in Wisconsin, understanding the penalties, legal aspects, and potential long-term consequences is crucial.

Weed in Wisconsin:  Penalties for Marijuana Possession in Wisconsin

For a first-offense marijuana possession charge in Wisconsin, penalties can include up to 6 months in jail, fines of up to $1,000, and the revocation of driving privileges for up to 5 years. College students may also risk losing federal financial aid. Subsequent convictions for THC possession can lead to felony charges with even harsher consequences, including up to 3.5 years of incarceration and fines of up to $10,000.

Statutory Possession of Marijuana (THC) Penalties in Wisconsin

  • First Offense: Misdemeanor, 6 Months Incarceration, $1,000 Fine
  • Subsequent Offense: Felony, 3.5 Years Incarceration, $10,000 Fine

Every drug conviction in Wisconsin results in the suspension of driving privileges for up to 5 years. If the offense occurs within 1,000 feet of certain locations, such as schools or public parks, additional community service may be required. Further charges may apply if marijuana possession is connected to operating a motor vehicle or illegal possession of a firearm.

Weed in Wisconsin: Bringing Marijuana to Wisconsin From Other States

Possession of marijuana or THC in any form is illegal in Wisconsin, regardless of its legality in other states. Even if you possess marijuana legally elsewhere and bring it into Wisconsin, it becomes contraband.

Weed in Wisconsin:  Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Wisconsin?

No, medical marijuana is not legal in Wisconsin. All forms of marijuana and THC possession are criminal offenses in the state. Tom Grieve, a skilled criminal defense attorney with expertise in controlled substance laws, can help individuals facing marijuana possession charges navigate the legal complexities.

Weed in Wisconsin: Facing Felony Marijuana Charges

Second or subsequent possession of THC charges in Wisconsin are likely to be classified as Class I felonies, carrying penalties of up to 3.5 years in prison and fines up to $10,000. Charges related to causing death by administering, making, or selling schedule I or II narcotic drugs can result in Class C felony charges, with penalties of up to 40 years in prison and fines up to $100,000.

Weed in Wisconsin:  How Long Does a Marijuana Possession Charge Stay on Your Record in Wisconsin?

A marijuana possession charge remains on your record indefinitely if you are convicted. Expungement may be possible after 5 years, but until then, it remains part of your record.

Young man sitting down thinking about first offense for weed in Wisconsin

Weed in Wisconsin:  How to Beat a Marijuana Possession Charge in Wisconsin

When facing a marijuana possession charge in Wisconsin, consider the following defenses:

  1. Lack of probable cause: Challenge the justification for your stop, such as the officer’s reason for stopping you, which may be unjustified.
  2. Ownership dispute: Claim that the marijuana did not belong to you, shifting the burden of proof to the prosecution.
  3. Unlawful search and seizure: If evidence was obtained through an unlawful search and seizure, it may be dismissed. Violations of your Fourth Amendment rights can lead to charges being dropped.

Conclusion: Get Expert Legal Support from Dahlberg Law Group about Weed in Wisconsin

Navigating marijuana possession charges in Wisconsin can be challenging, and the consequences of a conviction can have a lasting impact on your life. To protect your rights and explore the best defense strategies tailored to your case, it’s crucial to seek expert legal support.

Dahlberg Law Group, led by Attorney King Tse, offers the knowledge and experience needed to address your marijuana possession case effectively. Our team understands the intricacies of Wisconsin’s controlled substance laws and will work diligently to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Whether you’re facing a first-time offense or dealing with more severe charges, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dahlberg Law Group. We’re here to provide you with the legal guidance and representation you need during this challenging time.

FAQs About Weed in Wisconsin

1. What’s the penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana in WI?

  • First offense: Misdemeanor, 6 months incarceration, maximum $1,000 fine.
  • Subsequent offense: Felony, 3.5 years incarceration, maximum $10,000 fine. “Any amount” refers to 200 grams or less; more than 200 grams may be considered intent to sell.

2. What are the penalties for marijuana paraphernalia in Wisconsin?

  • Use or possession: Misdemeanor, 30 days incarceration, maximum $500 fine.
  • Sale or distribution: Misdemeanor, 90 days incarceration, maximum $1,000 fine.
  • Sale to a minor: Misdemeanor, around 9 months incarceration, maximum $10,000 fine.

3. How long does a marijuana possession charge stay on your record in Wisconsin?

  • A marijuana possession charge remains on your record indefinitely if you are convicted. Expungement may be possible after 5 years, but until then, it remains part of your record.

For personalized legal assistance and to protect your rights when facing marijuana possession charges in Wisconsin, contact Dahlberg Law Group and speak to Attorney King Tse at (262) 677-8999. Your future deserves experienced and dedicated legal representation.

Learn More About Criminal Process and Laws

Understanding Wisconsin’s legal system and the intricacies of OAR charges is essential. For more information on criminal processes and laws in Wisconsin, visit the Wisconsin State Law Library website.