Starting a Will: Best Time to Begin Will or Estate Planning in Wisconsin

best time to begin a will in Wisconsin

Starting a Will: Best Time to Begin Will or Estate Planning in Wisconsin

Estate planning is crucial for a secure future. Discover why you need an estate plan in Wisconsin and when to start.

Understanding and Learning about the Best Time to Begin Estate Planning in Wisconsin

An estate plan consists of legal documents tailored to address various issues, including wills, trusts, and advance directives. These documents, such as a living will and a healthcare power of attorney, offer peace of mind by providing clear instructions for your future.

The First Step in the Estate Planning Process

To start your estate planning journey in Wisconsin, the initial step is to find an experienced estate planning attorney. They will guide you through the process, considering your goals and helping you determine the information needed for the necessary documents. Whether you require a simple will or a more complex trust, your attorney will customize a plan that aligns with your wishes.

When Is the Best Time to Begin Estate Planning in Wisconsin?

Ideally, the best time to begin estate planning is now. Starting early ensures your estate plan is in place long before any potential challenges arise. Last-minute planning while already dealing with illness or mental decline may lead to complications. Early planning eliminates accusations of incompetency or undue influence, ensuring the legitimacy of your estate plan.

Additionally, life events like marriage, childbirth, and divorce warrant updates to your estate plan. If you want to exclude a former spouse as a beneficiary, it’s essential to modify your plan accordingly.

Why You Need an Estate Plan and the Best Time to Begin

  1. Ensure Your Family Is Cared For: An estate plan safeguards your assets, minimizes debt, and provides for your loved ones. Even a simple will can help preserve your assets and simplify matters for your family.
  2. Appoint Decision-Makers: Advance directives, including a living will and healthcare power of attorney, allow you to designate someone to make crucial healthcare decisions on your behalf if you cannot communicate.
  3. Designate Guardianship: For parents of minors, an estate plan specifies who will assume guardianship if both parents pass away. This ensures your children go to the right people.
  4. Minimize Depletion of the Estate: A well-crafted estate plan can minimize taxes and protect your assets from excessive depletion due to taxes or creditor challenges. Trusts, pour-over wills, or transfer on death accounts can be employed for this purpose.
  5. Fulfill Charitable Goals: If you wish to leave assets to a charitable cause you support, your estate plan should include provisions for this.
  6. Exclude Unwanted Beneficiaries: Ensure that individuals you do not want to inherit your assets are explicitly excluded in your estate plan.
  7. Prevent Family Fights: A clear estate plan with explicit instructions reduces the potential for family disputes and legal battles over your assets.

A woman using typewriter as it is best time to begin estate planning in Wisconsin

Key Elements of Estate Planning for You to Decide the Best Time to Begin

  1. Making a Will: All legal adults should have a will to dictate asset distribution, assign healthcare and financial power of attorneys, and record preferences for incapacitation scenarios.
  2. Creating a Trust: Consider a trust, especially if you have substantial assets, as it offers more control over asset distribution, potentially avoiding probate and associated fees and taxes.
  3. Nominating a Guardian: Parents should nominate a guardian for their children in case of their own incapacitation or passing.
  4. Creating a Power of Attorney: Assign powers of attorney for healthcare and finances to trusted individuals to make decisions on your behalf when needed.
  5. Regularly Updating Your Estate Plan: Life changes or significant milestones warrant estate plan updates. Marriage, divorce, childbirth, inheritance, or changes in roles assigned in your estate plan should prompt revisions.

If you have questions about estate planning or need assistance about the best time to begin a will, Attorney Steve Eichstaedt at Dahlberg Law Group can provide the guidance you need. Don’t wait; start your estate planning journey today to secure your future and protect your loved ones.

FAQs about Best Time to Begin a Will or Estate Planning in Wisconsin

Q1: What is an estate plan?

A1: An estate plan comprises legal documents tailored to address various issues, including wills, trusts, and advance directives. These documents provide clear instructions for asset distribution and decision-making in case of incapacity or passing.

Q2: What is the best time to begin estate planning in Wisconsin?

A2: It’s advisable to start estate planning as soon as possible. Beginning early ensures that your estate plan is in place, minimizing the risk of challenges and ensuring its legitimacy.

Q3: Why do I need an estate plan?

A3: Estate planning is essential to safeguard your assets, appoint decision-makers, designate guardianship for minors, minimize asset depletion, fulfill charitable goals, exclude unwanted beneficiaries, and prevent family disputes.

Q4: What are the key elements of estate planning?

A4: Key elements include making a will, creating a trust, nominating a guardian for minors, creating powers of attorney, and regularly updating your estate plan to reflect life changes.

Q5: How often should I update my estate plan?

A5: Estate plans should be updated every three to five years or when significant life changes occur, such as marriage, divorce, childbirth, inheritance, or changes in assigned roles.

For more information on the estate planning process, you can visit these valuable resources: