Single Parent Will: A Guide to Building a Secure Estate Plan

Mom with a single parent will in Wisconsin

Single Parent Will: A Guide to Building a Secure Estate Plan

As a single parent, ensuring your children’s well-being is paramount. This guide explores essential estate planning steps tailored to single parents.

If you have questions or are ready to start your estate planning journey, explore Milwaukee estate planning services at Dahlberg Law Group.

Single Parent Will: Assess Your Assets and Liabilities

The foundation of estate planning for single parents is understanding your financial landscape. This step enables you to make informed decisions regarding your estate plan.


Your assets encompass all your owned properties, including real estate, bank accounts, and investments. List them meticulously.


Identify your debts: mortgages, car loans, credit card balances, and student loans. These are crucial to comprehend when planning your estate.

Consider potential inheritances or gifts on the horizon and factor them into your planning strategy. With a comprehensive understanding of your income sources and debts, you can ensure every aspect of your estate plan addresses your family’s needs.

Single Parent Will:  Draft a Will or Update an Existing One

Creating or revising your will is pivotal in estate planning. Ensure your wishes are explicitly stated and legally enforceable.

Key Elements of a Will:

  • Beneficiaries: Clearly name beneficiaries for your assets.
  • Specific Gifts: Detail specific bequests.
  • Guardianship: Appoint someone to care for your children if both parents are absent.
  • Funeral Arrangements: Specify your funeral wishes.

Regularly review and update your will to keep it current. Life events like marriage or divorce may necessitate revisions to align with your evolving preferences.

Single Parent Will:  Establish Durable Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directives

In estate planning for single parents, consider durable power of attorney and healthcare directives.

Durable Power of Attorney

This legal document authorizes someone to make decisions on your behalf in case of incapacity. It encompasses financial transactions and healthcare choices.

Healthcare Directives

Specify your medical care preferences if you become unable to communicate. This includes decisions about life support, treatment, and organ donation.

Designate trusted individuals, whether family or close friends, to handle these critical matters in accordance with your wishes.

Single Parent Will:  Guardianship for Minor Children

Guardianship is a crucial concern for single parents in estate planning. It entrusts someone with decision-making authority for your minor children if you’re unable to do so.


  • Choose a guardian aligned with your values.
  • Clearly state your preferred guardian in legal documents.
  • Have conversations with involved parties to ensure clarity and preparedness.

Estate planning as a single parent secures your children’s financial stability and protection in unforeseen circumstances.

Single Parent Will:  Explore Life Insurance Policies

Investigate life insurance policies to provide long-term financial support for your children.

  • Consult a professional for guidance on suitable policies.
  • Update your will to align with life insurance payouts and asset distribution.

Life insurance offers peace of mind, ensuring your children are cared for even after you’re gone.

single parent will for a mother of two in Wisconsin

Single Parent Will: Estate Planning Tips for Single Parents

In addition to the above steps, single parents should consider these estate planning tips:

Create a Trust

A trust provides immediate access to assets, bypassing probate, and aids children, especially if they are young.

Plan for Incapacitation

Include incapacity planning in your estate plan, encompassing important documents like a Durable Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Living Will, and HIPAA Authorization or Waiver.

Business Succession Planning

If you’re a business owner, consider business succession planning to secure your company’s future for your children.

Visit an Estate Planning Attorney for Single Parent Will

Consult an estate planning attorney who specializes in single-parent estate planning to ensure your health, financial expectations, and your children’s welfare align with your wishes.

Remember, as a single parent, estate planning is vital to safeguard your children’s future and financial well-being. Ensure your estate plan reflects your unique circumstances and desires.

For more information on estate planning processes, explore the free resources provided by UW Law School and the State Bar of Wisconsin.

Ready to embark on your estate planning journey? Contact attorneys at Dahlberg Law Group for expert guidance and personalized support. Your children’s future deserves the protection of a well-crafted estate plan.

References for Further Information

To further enhance your understanding of the estate planning process, we recommend exploring the following external resources:

These resources offer valuable insights and information to complement your estate planning journey.

Contact Dahlberg Law Group for Expert Assistance about Single Parent Will

As you embark on your estate planning journey, remember that you don’t have to navigate this complex process alone. The team at Dahlberg Law Group, led by Attorney Steve Eichstaedt, is here to provide expert legal guidance and support. Attorney Steve Eichstaedt specializes in estate planning and can assist you in creating a comprehensive plan that aligns with your unique goals and circumstances. To get started or inquire further, please visit our website or contact us today.