How to Receive Compensation for a Rideshare Accident

How to Receive Compensation for a Rideshare Accident

Have you or a loved one been injured in a rideshare accident? If so, you need to hire an attorney for your best chance to receive compensation for a rideshare accident.

Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft have grown in popularity over the last few years. While ridesharing services can simplify driving, they can become much more complicated if you or a loved one was involved in a rideshare accident. The difficulty of these accidents is figuring out who is liable for your injuries. Usually, the ridesharing company or the driver would be liable but it also depends on the service’s policy. With all of this uncertainty, the best way to receive compensation for a rideshare accident is to hire an experienced attorney.

Contact Your Insurance Agency

After you receive medical attention for any injuries you have received from the accident, you need to contact your insurance agency. Depending on the type of accident, how you receive compensation and coverage will vary.

If you were a passenger and were in an accident en route to your destination, the rideshare service should be liable for the accident. However, if you were driving and were hit by a rideshare service car that did not have a passenger, then the driver (not the service) would likely be liable for the accident. While these drivers should have insurance, sometimes they don’t, which can further complicate the situation.

With these complications, it is imperative that you hire an attorney to make sure you receive compensation for a rideshare accident. Rideshare companies and drivers are only looking out for themselves, which is why you need an attorney fighting for you. Plus, each accident varies, so having an experienced attorney on your side will greatly help your case and will get you the compensation you are entitled to.

Hire an Attorney to Receive Compensation for a Rideshare Accident

Hiring an attorney is the best thing you can do after being involved in a rideshare accident. As stated above, each situation varies and brings its own challenges. While most car accidents have difficulties themselves, rideshare accidents could have a number of parties involved from drivers and their rideshare companies, making the situation even more complicated.

Knowing the details of your accident can be helpful for your case. If your driver was distracted, driving while intoxicated or had knowledge of car issues and did not fix them, your case could change. You also need to make sure you receive all the contact information from each involved party. Take pictures of the accident as well so you have visual evidence of what happened. Having clear details will strengthen your case and will give you a better chance at receiving compensation for your rideshare accident.

Navigating Wisconsin law and the rideshare company policies is not an easy task, which is why you need a dedicated attorney fighting for you. At Dahlberg Law Group, our attorneys have the legal expertise to represent you. Not only do we know the ins and outs of Wisconsin rideshare laws, but we also are dedicated to fighting for our clients.

Connect with Personal Injury Attorney Phil Dahlberg for Your Rideshare Accident

Personal Injury Attorney Phil Dahlberg is here to represent you. With over a 99% success rate with his clients and over 20 years of experience, Phil has the skills and determination to handle your case. Phil will personally represent you on your case. He will work with you to understand the situation and then provide you with the best solution. By hiring Phil, you can receive the compensation you are entitled to for your rideshare accident. Contact Phil today to set up a consultation.