
Protect Your Will: Where to Store it

Protect Your Will: Where to Store it

Protect Your Will: Where to Store it Making a will is an important part of protecting your family and estate, but it can be complex. A core question that should be addressed when creating a will is where these important documents should be stored to ensure their...

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Will or Trust: Which is the Right Choice for Your Estate?

Will or Trust: Which is the Right Choice for Your Estate?

Will or Trust: Which is the Right Choice for Your Estate? Estate planning is not just about managing your assets; it's about securing your family's future and ensuring your legacy endures. When it comes to estate planning, two fundamental tools often come into play:...

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Restraining Orders During Divorce: Essential Protection and Legal Recourse for Victims in Wisconsin

Restraining Orders During Divorce: Essential Protection and Legal Recourse for Victims in Wisconsin

Divorce can be emotionally challenging, and if you’re facing the added stress of domestic violence, ensuring your safety becomes paramount. Wisconsin law offers a safeguard in the form of restraining orders during divorce, empowering individuals to seek protection against abusive partners or individuals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address your questions about restraining orders during divorce and provide insights into the legal process. If you’re contemplating whether to seek a restraining order, read on for a clear understanding of your options.

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3 Things You Need to Know Before Granting Power of Attorney

3 Things You Need to Know Before Granting Power of Attorney

Granting power of attorney is a serious matter. You need to choose someone who you trust and who only has your best interest in mind. One of the best things you can do is discuss granting power of attorney with your lawyer and name your agent (attorney-in-fact) sooner...

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Regain Your Financial Future with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Regain Your Financial Future with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

If you are experiencing financial troubles, it can seem like there is no clear way out. Bills can continue to pile up, making financial recovery seem impossible. However, there are ways you can regain your financial future. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is one of...

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When to Start and Update Your Estate Plan

When to Start and Update Your Estate Plan

Typically, estate planning is not at the top of most people’s to-do lists. However, by planning sooner rather than later, you can give yourself and your loved ones the peace of mind that your wishes are in writing. It is never too early to talk to an attorney and...

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Resources and Legal Help for Sexual Assault Recovery

Resources and Legal Help for Sexual Assault Recovery

If you or a loved have been a victim of sexual assault, it can be difficult to know who to turn to for help. The most important thing is that you receive the help and support you need. Below are a number of resources and legal help advice for sexual assault recovery....

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Top 5 Questions Asked about Wrongful Death

Top 5 Questions Asked about Wrongful Death

If a loved one has passed away due to the conduct or negligence of another, then wrongful death has occurred. These situations are extremely difficult for the deceased loved ones and will leave many questions. While filing a claim for wrongful death will not bring...

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General Legal Counsel: How Attorneys Help Your Business

General Legal Counsel: How Attorneys Help Your Business

Whether you are starting a new business or have owned your business for a while, you can benefit from consulting with a business law attorney. From contracts to legal advice, having an attorney on your side can help prevent present and future legal issues for your...

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3 Things You Need to Know Before Granting Power of Attorney

3 Things You Need to Know Before Granting Power of Attorney

Granting power of attorney is a serious matter. You need to choose someone who you trust and who only has your best interest in mind. One of the best things you can do is discuss granting power of attorney with your lawyer and name your agent (attorney-in-fact) sooner...

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Types of Legal Defense for Criminal Charges

Types of Legal Defense for Criminal Charges

Criminal charges range depending on the type of crime you have been charged for. However, almost all criminal charges make a noticeable impact on your day-to-day life. In order to receive the best outcome for your situation, you need an experienced criminal law...

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The Ins and Outs of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

The Ins and Outs of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

In need of a fresh financial start? While filing for bankruptcy may seem like the end of your financial freedom, it could be the best solution for your situation. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy with the right attorney can help you get out of debt. Below are the ins...

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How to Receive Compensation for a Rideshare Accident

How to Receive Compensation for a Rideshare Accident

Have you or a loved one been injured in a rideshare accident? If so, you need to hire an attorney for your best chance to receive compensation for a rideshare accident. Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft have grown in popularity over the last few years. While...

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Most Common Types of Bankruptcy in Wisconsin

Most Common Types of Bankruptcy in Wisconsin

While filing for bankruptcy may seem like the financial end for many people, it doesn’t have to be. In many cases, filing for bankruptcy can be the best financial solution. In order to know if filing for bankruptcy is the right solution for you, you need to connect...

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The Difference Between Catastrophic and Personal Injuries

The Difference Between Catastrophic and Personal Injuries

No one wants to deal with an injury. No matter the cause, injuries can have long-lasting effects on your physical, mental, and financial states. Each injury will have different repercussions, making no case a one-size-fits-all solution. Both catastrophic and personal...

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Why You Need an Attorney for Your Business Start-up

Why You Need an Attorney for Your Business Start-up

Starting a business is a big deal. There are a number of pieces at play, all of which need your attention. One of the best things you can do is consult with a business law attorney for your business start-up. While you technically do not need an attorney to start a...

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Criminal Defense 101: How to Navigate Drug Charges

Criminal Defense 101: How to Navigate Drug Charges

Drug charges are a serious matter. Knowing how to navigate drug charges can be confusing and complicated, especially if this is your first offense. If you have been charged with drug possession, you will likely be charged with a felony and go to jail. With the gravity...

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Top 10 Questions Asked about Negligent Security Injuries

Top 10 Questions Asked about Negligent Security Injuries

Proving that injuries were caused by negligent security can be challenging. This is due to the number of factors that vary between cases. If you or a loved one have been injured due to negligent security, you likely have many questions. Below are the top ten questions...

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5 Tips on How to Avoid Future Probate Disputes

5 Tips on How to Avoid Future Probate Disputes

It is never too early to start the estate planning process. By creating an estate plan, you can relieve future stress from your family members from having to make difficult decisions. When you are creating your estate plan, there are ways you can make sure your...

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How to Recover from a Hit and Run Accident

How to Recover from a Hit and Run Accident

One of the most difficult to handle personal injury cases is a hit and run accident. This kind of accident has the added challenge of not knowing who is responsible for your injuries or property damage. This then makes receiving compensation more complicated. While...

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Steps to Navigate Worker’s Comp Claims

Steps to Navigate Worker’s Comp Claims

Workplace injuries can create difficulty and uncertainty in your life. Not only do you need time to recover, but you also need compensation to support yourself if you cannot resume work right away due to your injuries. Filing for worker’s compensation can also be...

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Bankruptcy 101: Options for Financial Recovery

Bankruptcy 101: Options for Financial Recovery

Bankruptcy is a scary word. However, it does not have to be. While it may seem like you are all out of options, filing for bankruptcy could be the solution you need. You need an experienced attorney on your side to help in this difficult time. Navigating bankruptcy...

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What to Do After an Auto Accident

What to Do After an Auto Accident

To say an auto accident brings stress, uncertainty and challenges to a victim’s life is an understatement. Recovery from an auto accident can be a long and difficult process both physically and financially. Even when you did nothing wrong, settlements can be difficult...

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FAQ: Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Cases

FAQ: Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Cases

While many comedies feature actors and actresses slipping and falling to make audiences laugh, slip & fall and trip & fall cases are serious matters. Injuries such as broken bones, concussions and serious brain injuries can occur from slipping and falling. The...

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Why You Need a Lawyer for Workers’ Comp Claims

Why You Need a Lawyer for Workers’ Comp Claims

If you are injured on the job, you face a lot of uncertainty. The severity of your injury can hinder or make future work impossible. You can also become ill from your working conditions which will complicate your health and job. Depending on the situation, workers’...

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5 Steps to Take When Dealing with a Personal Injury

5 Steps to Take When Dealing with a Personal Injury

Dealing with a personal injury is stressful. Depending on the seriousness of your injury, you could be dealing with your injuries for weeks, months or even years. Insurance companies will not have your best interest in mind. They want to handle any matter as quickly...

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Criminal Defense 101: How to Recover from DUI Charges

Criminal Defense 101: How to Recover from DUI Charges

DUI charges are a serious offense. If you or a loved one have been charged for driving under the influence, it can be difficult to navigate the repercussions of those charges. However, by having an understanding of Wisconsin laws and the right team of attorneys on...

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Estate Planning: 10 Reasons Why You Should Start Today

Estate Planning: 10 Reasons Why You Should Start Today

Estate planning may seem like a task to put off until you are older. However, that is not the case! By planning today, you can save your loved ones a lot of stress from making difficult decisions in the future. While estate planning may seem like a stressful process,...

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